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Join me for a look within...

Artist Bio

Art has been my constant companion from childhood to the present. I have shared my creations throughout my migrations from the Mississippi Valley, to Arkansas, Colorado and finally Wyoming. My other vocation, teaching, allowed me to share my love of art with students in three states. My 40 year teaching career spanned from childhood activities through every educational and age level.
A life changing encounter with an Arapaho elder helped me accept my spirit guides. I was then able to direct my full artistic energy to the many faces of mythic crows and ravens, bison, and images that are echoes of my Celtic heritage.
Since 1993 the Art Shelter Studio and Gallery in Shell, Wyoming has been my home base and host to dozens of visiting artists and many hundreds of guests. I hope you enjoy visiting me through this site. You are welcome to visit the gallery any time in person. It is open daily from May through September.

World mythology is a source of inspiration, particularly the Celtic stories which are part of my heritage. Mythology was a teacher and guide for the societies it informed. Crows and ravens appear in many of these old stories. Sometimes the Creator, sometimes the messenger, sometimes the collector of souls, ravens are very important figures that occupy parallel universes.
These birds can wear a myriad of faces and their intelligence makes many of their behaviors very humanlike. Tricksters, clowns, shape shifters, messengers, adapters, tool makers, opportunists...they inspire my work. A chance encounter with an Arapaho elder allowed me the courage to accept crows and ravens as my spirit guides and artistic inspiration.

Privately and through other galleries my work has found homes in most of the 50 states, Canada and Europe.
I have shown work in Athens, Greece and was honored by having the President of Ireland present my bronze of Celtic warrior Queen Maeve to the Granuaille Center on the West coast of Ireland.
I received the Wyoming Governor's Art Award for 2018